
A Framework to enable and facilitate your city’s transformation into an Ethical Smart City.

5. Adapt

Ethical Smart City implementations are planned and matched against community values.

Generate implementation plans on the basis of lessons learned. Evaluate the plans against community goals.

In the fifth step, Adapt, you will plan the implementation and the execution of the approved Smart City projects. To aid the implementation of these solutions, it is also essential to revisit stakeholders’ feedback from the previous steps.

Having a view of the change drivers that affect the implementation of Ethical Smart City solutions is important when planning these projects. This view also enhances the resilience of the Smart City solutions. Thus, this step involves the practical application of everything that has been developed and learnt in steps one through four – Know to Design.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Hamilton, Canada showcase how learning from one implementation can improvise and reinvigorate the future projects.



Adapt with Lessons Learned

A successful plan for a comprehensive implementation of Smart City projects starts with an assessment of all learning that has been acquired thus far. The insights that are gathered through the previous steps need to be reflected in how the project and implementation plans are developed. 

In this step, you will be able to adapt the project plans to consider lessons from tested prototypes and begin the implementation of your Ethical Smart City project plans. The consolidation of these lessons will reinforce your city’s ethical baseline – which will steer the course for future projects. 

The generative output in this step is supported by the ESC Planning and Business Model Canvas tools. Either of these tools can be used to plan the implementation of your Ethical Smart City projects.


What did Dubai do to monitor its Smart City progress?

The Smart Dubai initiative was launched in 2014 by Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to achieve their vision and goal of becoming the happiest and smartest city on earth. Find out what Dubai did to assess its Smart City project.




Adapt to Changes

As you go through all five-steps with your stakeholders,  you will be equipped with a comprehensive view of the progress in solving these challenges. In this step, you will review the implementation plans and other outgoing communication materials such as requests for proposals to ensure that the project outcomes remain ethical. This step serves as the final checkpoint for projects to maintain their alignment against community goals and stakeholder needs.

Adapting to an iterative mindset is critical for Ethical Smart City transformation projects. With a strong feedback loop, lessons learned with every implementation can inform the understanding of what Ethical Smart City transformation means for your municipality from the first step. As more and more communities adopt the Ethical Smart City Framework, the underlying guiding principles would also evolve to accommodate for a more nuanced and innovative understanding of globally prioritized values, identified challenges and enabling technologies. 

The evaluative output in this step is supported by the ESC Report Card and Ecology of Innovation tools. Either of these tools can be used to assess the proposed  plans and to track the overall progress. 


What did Hamilton do to improve its smart city efforts?

Once Canada’s ‘Steel Capital’, Hamilton’s municipal leaders realized that its one-industry economy needed to shift and modernize to sustain future growth. Having organically developed its smart city over the past several decades, Hamilton decided to make an intentional effort to officially assess its efforts. Find out what Hamilton did to make that assessment and improve on its smart city efforts.
